Vrahode Tavern Podcast

6 More Pregenerated Roles in Vrahode

Weathervane Games Season 1 Episode 6

Vrahode is a big world with all new creatures unlike anything you've seen in a fantasy world before. Of course, that can be quite intimidating if you're just wanting to start the game!

Vrahode comes with 12 pregenerated roles to help you ease into the game. In this episode, we talk about 6 of them. We covered the first six in the previous episode.

Vrahode will be coming to Kickstarter most likely in quarter four of 2023. When that campaign goes live, you will not only be able to buy the core game, Vrahode: The Calteeryn Ascension, but its three expansions as well.

Learn more about Vrahode on the website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Full transcript with images and links here: https://www.vrahode.com/6-more-of-the-pregenerated-roles-in-vrahode/

Jeff Irving: I think that whole, you know, being tired of the same old thing. Uh, looks like the dog woke up. 

Brandon Rollins: Gonna see what happens. Oh, what a good boy.  

Jeff Irving: My name is Jeff Irving and this is the Vrahode Tavern Podcast. I am the creator of the Vrahode Game System, and in this podcast, we're going to do a deep dive into the lore and gameplay Vrahode of Vrahode. I'm joined by Brandon Rollins who will be acting as a stand in for you, asking many of the questions you might be curious about yourself.  

Brandon, what are the topics for today? 

Brandon Rollins: So in the last episode, we were starting to talk about some of the pre-generated heroes that you can play in when, um, when playing Vrahode and just a recap... 

basically, you are able to make your own custom heroes and, in fact, encouraged to do so. It's just there are these 12 pregenerated heroes to make it much easier to get this game on the table. So we had talked about six of them in the lap, last episode. That is the Blade, the Augur, the Spark, the Shadow, the Syrin, and the Warden. 

And so now let's, uh, I say let's just pick up with the Shield and keep moving on down the list. 

Role #7: The Shield  

Jeff Irving: All righty. Well, um, one thing I wanted to say about the Warden we missed last time is. 

Brandon Rollins: Uh-huh.  

Jeff Irving: The Warden is not a single stat, um, pregenerated hero. It's one that is based primarily on focus, and then it's secondarily on presence. And so some of these, as we move forward in this second six, are gonna be like that. 

They're, they're not going to be like the Blade where, you know, their primary, single, primary stat is body or the Spark, where their single primary stat is mind. These, some of these heroes in the second six, um, are a little more nuanced in play. They're not maybe quite as strong, uh, in a single stat, but they make up for it with a little bit more breadth to the character's skill pool. 

And, and so whenever you have a, a kind of a two-stat hero. You also, we've, we've selected three skills for each pregenerated hero. So on these kind of two stat, primary, secondary stat heroes, we're drawing, we're, we're starting them with two skill cards, two skills in their primary stat and one skill in their secondary stat. 

So it allows you to kind of dip your foot into, into more than one school of, of ruhl or magic, as you know, that's what we call magic in Vrahode. So like the Shield, for example, they're gonna be like the Blade in that they're very strong in the body skill area, and they're gonna... You're, they're gonna start with two skills from that deck, but they're also kind of like a Paladin, they're, they're priest-like, they're holy, they're devout. Um, and, and they have strong faith. And, and therefore they're a little more selfless than a, than a Blade, which a Blade, you just, you wind them up and you send 'em into battle to do damage. These guys have a little more of a conscience. Um, we, the, the pre-generated Shield, um, is from the Toreln race, which is a race that was crafted from the forests. 

So they're very at home there. Uh, and it, it's a male. His name is Puril. So Puril is our Shield. And so, like I said, he's gonna have the ability to wear great armor like a Blade. Um, and he's also gonna have probably some healing ability with access to that spirit deck as well. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, it, it looks like these guys are pretty tough because we know that the, we know that the Toreln in general are, are actually pretty tough. Um, so that is interesting how you contrast it with the Blade, cuz the Blade, it just sounds like they're the Beserker type. You just send them out into battle and like stuff gets broken and that's just the way it is. Like you don't know exactly what's gonna happen after they're done. But, uh, the Shield's a little more predictable. It sounds like a, a better teammate, if not quite as physically strong as the Blade. 

Jeff Irving: Absolutely. Um, I, I love this. I love this class. I mean, this role, I love this role. I, I love it as a solo, uh, a hero. I think I, I would be very comfortable going into a solo game as a Shield, cuz I'm gonna have that, you know, I'm gonna have that damage output. I'm gonna have access to that, that body deck, which is gonna give me all that selfish just straight out carnage and, and, but then if you think about a solo player as a Shield, you know, they can keep that healing ability for themselves. I mean, they can, they can heal themselves instead of healing others. And so I think, I think they're a really nice, versatile solo player as well. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. So, subjectively, would you say that the, that if you're playing at a low player count that you'd be better off with a more balanced, um, hero, like the Shield as opposed to the Blade? 

Jeff Irving: I like it. I like that idea. I really do. I kind of like, I kind of like the idea if I'm in, let's say it's you, me, and one other person, I kind of like the idea of us all maybe picking those, those heroes that have a primary and a secondary stat because we've got, we can cover each other, but it also just, it has so much versatility to us as a small group. 

A useful tangent on playtesting 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. And I'm just thinking, because of course this is the kind of stuff that comes out in play testing, and we still need a table with a prototype before we like really know what to do with stats. Other than that, you're just talking about how many angels can fit on the head of a pen. But I just have a feeling that what's gonna happen is we're gonna table this and we're gonna do low player counts and high player counts, and we're probably gonna end up writing the, um, quick start guide in such a way where we say, "Hey, if you're doing a low player count, check these out. Um, if you're doing a high player count, check these out instead." And that might actually be the way to do it. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. I hope that, I hope we get the kind of clarity from play testing that allows us to actually do that, you know, what... 

Brandon Rollins: You're gonna be nudging numbers up and down until, until it feels... 

Jeff Irving: No, and, and that's fine. My hope from play testing is that we are nudging numbers, but that we're not actually having to reinvent the wheel. 

Brandon Rollins: I don't think you will, as long as the five stats are reasonably close in importance in the game. I, I, I think that it's just gonna be a matter of tweaking it when you find out that like, subjectively, seven points on this feels a little bit better than six points in practicality or something like that. 

Role #8: The Arbiter 

Brandon Rollins: Um, again, that's the kind of stuff that comes out in the wash. Um, now I, I, I don't wanna get too much in the weeds on that cuz there's still like, there's just so many characters that go over. Um, there's also, so we got the other Mynoc is the Arbiter and so it looks like they've got kind of a twin focus primarily on spirit, but also on mind as well. 

Jeff Irving: Exactly. You know, we were talking about that kind of versatile small group. The Arbiter is, is rock solid. Cause they're, they're your cleric. I mean, they're your healer, your priest, they're also your mage and, and so yeah, they're gonna fill kind of the, that raw what you expect magic to be role. 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. 

Jeff Irving: You know what I mean? They're gonna blast from, from range. They're gonna be doing plenty of damage at range. Um, but they're also gonna be supporting that warrior class, you know, up front. They're gonna be healing 'em, they're gonna be buffing 'em, they're gonna be So, no, I love the arbiter. I think the arbiter is, I mean, it's, if you're playing D&D, this is a cleric mage. 

Flat out, this is a cleric mage. 

Another helpful tangent on getting noticed as a game developer  

Jeff Irving: Um, now, you know, our game plays differently. Um, our skills play differently. Our, our ruhl system plays differently. And I mean, ruhl as in r u h l, which is our equivalent of magic, uh, ruhl is different in our world than, than what you, you know, are used to in, um, in D&D. It's just, it's just com, it's handled completely differently. I love the way we handle it, you know, with kind of a daily allotment. Um, and, you know, you get it back by successfully, um, resting, you know, you rest to recover. Um, and. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun to, to play. I think. Um, again, like you said, play testing will, will, will, will bear that out. 

Brandon Rollins: I think so too. And honestly by the time this episode goes up, because I'm, I'm actually building quite a substantial backlog, uh, cuz I want to edit these while I'm on the road. Um, I mean, like there's a very good chance that by the time people hear this, we have already figured out a lot of this too. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. Let's hope. I mean, let's hope we do. 

Brandon Rollins: Pro. I, I, I feel like we will. I mean, goodness, you've already found some, like some plastics guys in Montana. I mean, you're like, that's the hard part, right? Is getting rapid prototypes on minis and, and other hard to, hard to find, hard to source materials like that. 

Jeff Irving: Well, I gotta tell you, I've had some, I've had some really low moments in this development process. Lonely moments, manic. I've been kind of manic at times. Like when my wife was in Hawaii with her mother and I was here alone. Um, right now I'm really on a high, I mean, I'm feeling really, really happy about all the things, all the progress. 

The fact that we found these plastics guys locally. I wanna support fellow Montanans and, and businesses around here, um, and to be able to do this work in Montana and is just, I'm, I, I mean, it's just, I'm so happy right now. And it's like everything's coming together. We've got a a... 

Brandon Rollins: some objectively good things going for you, right? 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. I mean, I'm just, I'm on a high, I think as soon as my wife got home from Hawaii, I was in a better mood. 

You know, it's like, ugh. My support system, you know? My wife is amazing, so... 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. I, I think there have been a handful of times where my wife's been away from home for like a week and it messed me up. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, it's, Well, this, this summer we spent, we spent almost all of this summer apart cause she would be in Hawaii and I would be here. And then I had Gen Con, and then I went, I was in Indiana for a little bit, then I was in Hawaii and she was here. I mean, it was just, we were passing each other, coming and going. 

So it was a rough summer and I hope to never be away from her that much again. 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, 

Brandon Rollins: Now, I, I do think for the game as far as people know, cuz I, I think it's also good to just sometimes reveal behind the scenes of game development stuff too. Um, obviously you want to start building an audience early, that's part of what the show's for, but like you are getting a pretty solid return on the advertisements that you're doing for leads right now. 

Like, um, and I think they're just about to refresh the copy and, and, and all that if they haven't already on the advertisements. But point is, you've been averaging under two bucks a lead, which is like really good. You don't get that unless people care. I mean, that's just a fact. Like you can't get emails that cheap unless people care.  

Jeff Irving: You the part that that shocks me is that most of the, most of the, the people that we've got, uh, to join us, most of the people that have joined us have done so almost entirely based on the, the art direction that I've done. You know, I... 

Brandon Rollins: People love it. Art like that. 

Jeff Irving: They're, I think they're eager for something new. I think they're like me. 

I think that whole, you know, being tired of the same old thing uh, looks like the dog woke up  

Brandon Rollins: Gonna see what happens. Oh, what a good boy. 

Jeff Irving: All right, Brandon, I'm back. 

Brandon Rollins: All right. Yeah, I was just thinking, um, one way, you know, people are actually passionate about a project, um, I mean, like obviously getting leads for cheap is part of it, but also if they open and read your emails, that's a good sign and they're opening and reading your emails, like this we know for sure. 

Um, so people actually care because everybody gets so too much email and your average email, if you're doing a good job, will get opened like 30% of the time, and yours are like 50, 55. So we know that people actually care, and that might drop over time as they get kind of exposed to the same stuff. But like, it's good. 

It's a good sign. And the thing. Yes. Yes. And the thing that makes me most excited, frankly, is just that people are sending you, like, detailed questions and comments on Facebook. Like nobody sits down and types two paragraphs of feedback for a game they haven't played unless they actually care. Nobody does that. 

There's a hundred million messages online to talk to. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. No, and I think, I think part of that is we're really trying, and I think people are sensing that we really want to engage them and, and allow them to push, and push this thing to where it needs to be, and that we're gonna try to get it right. 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. 

Jeff Irving: You know? And I think that's, that's a good feeling because I think a lot of the big game manufacturers, you know, you, you just don't, you don't have the ability to do that. 

You know, They, they don't, they, I mean, they do have people out there do, you know, engaging, but it's, you know, they're big corporate structures with, I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm a, I'm a sole designer, you know, doing this. And so I'm able to be nimble and, and listen and adjust and tweak things. And there's been a guy on, um, the, um, in the Tavern, the Vrahode Tavern, which if you haven't been to the Vrahode Tavern yet on Facebook, it, it's, it's fun and it's actually starting to be pretty active, so it's 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. It, it, it definitely is. I... 

Jeff Irving: I think I, I think his name's Andrew Austin. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, something. I, That sounds familiar. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. He's, he's been helping me with the dashboards and, uh, trying to get these last changes to the dashboards made. Um, which by the way, I talked to Hexie Studios in Warsaw, Poland, and Pialtra, uh, the, the manager there assures me that we will have the final dashboard with the changes applied by the end of this week or early next week. 

Brandon Rollins: That's awesome, cuz that, like, the whole point of the dashboard is just to get all the, um, the fiddly number stuff to be as manageable as possible so that you don't actually have to keep it in your head or on a scorecard or with a whole bunch of stuff. It's going to basically make the arithmetic as simple as humanly possible. 

Jeff Irving: Oh, yeah. And we've, I mean, we've been through how many, We've been through 10 iterations now on the Hero dashboard. It's critical, um, that we get this right. 

Brandon Rollins: Absolutely. 

Jeff Irving: I, I finally feel like we have, um, we have something that while the dashboards are expensive, um, this last iteration, we were able to get rid of the rule trays and incorporate the rule management within the hero dashboard, which is brilliant. 

And it's just, and, and even though they're plastic, you know, we can't do cardboard. It won't, it won't do all the things we need it to do. It's gotta be plastic to do, to do all of the, the data points and to manage the, the assets, manage all the different cards the way we want. But this thing, I would much rather learn how to use a functional dashboard than to read 40 pages in a rule book. 

I just, I want it to do that heavy lifting for me. And I honestly, I honestly finally feel like it's doing that for... 

Brandon Rollins: Honestly, the fact that you've got local plastics guys that you're vetting and honestly considering the amount of good leads you've got, you're going to find plastics manufacturer before this thing airs. It's like, it's just, it would be statistically nuts if you didn't. Um, I mean, like having a plastics guys local is, is gonna make a huge difference too. 

Jeff Irving: I mean, it's, it's easy once you go to manufacturing, you know, cuz like, um, we wanna work with Longpack, um, you know, they can tweak, they can tweak your minis and once they make the molds, that's a whole different, that's a whole different thing. It's, yeah, it's the, it's the 3D printing, short run, onesy, twosy stuff you need for play testing. 

That's hard. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. Folks don't know this about board game development, but it's like getting prototypes is crazy expensive. You, um, you go with a manufacturer like, uh, Panda, Longpack, and not necessarily these guys, um, but any major offset printer, it takes like $650 to get a pretty normal board game pre, created. 

And like, there's technical reasons for that that are too complicated to go into right now, but basically it's like getting a prototype made is hard. The best thing you can usually do is use standard issue components on a print on demand website, like Game Crafter or Board Games Maker. Get it as close as humanly possible to the final version. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. That's what we're doing on the print side. That's what we're doing for print. That, that's... 

Brandon Rollins: for your, uh, for your customs, for your custom pieces, that's where your plastics, uh, manufacturer local comes in. So, yeah, that was, that was all a long tangent, but I'm leaving that in because I think it's, it's good to talk about what happens behind the scenes, scenes in development. 

Jeff Irving: I think so too. I mean, even if you chunk it out and put it somewhere else, instead of where we have it in the in line, you know what I mean? Put it at the end or wherever you wanna put it. Put it. Yeah. It's nice to have it. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. I'll figure that out in post. 

Role #9: Dream Catcher 

Brandon Rollins: I was just thinking, do you wanna just relatively briefly cover these last four and then, um, I'm thinking the next show I want to talk to you about the concept of the Calteeryn.  

So yeah, tell me a little bit about the Dream Catcher. 

Jeff Irving: This is a favorite of mine. Um, it's, it's a cast, it's a casting class, you know, much like the Spark, but it's also. In a sense, a pet class. So, you know, like the Warden, which is a pet class, it costs them a fairly large amount of magic to be able to take on a pet. And the Dream Catcher is very similar in that they expend a large amount of their ruhl to summon, uh, what we call a dream sentinel. 

So the, the Dream Catcher, pregenerated hero we have is Cibetta. She is a Cautuuk. So we have a female pregenerated Cautuuk Dream Catcher, and the dr, what the Dream Catcher does is they have a relationship with, with their dead ancestors, the ones that have come before them. And so we have these, these, um, spirits, Cautuuk spirits that, uh, Cibetta will commune with as she rests and sleeps. 

Um, and they also, these spirits in that realm. Um, they have access to other spirits and, um, one of them is called a dream sentinel. And so she can summon this dream sentinel at, at, during restful sleep. Uh, the dream sentinel will come into reality with her. So she ends up having this spiritual protector that much like a pet will, will protect her. 

Um, as long as she is not in melee combat, She has the, has to stay away from the fray so that she can focus on this, uh, protector. And when she sleeps next, uh, when she next rests, the, the dream sentinel is released. And so she must resummon that. So she has a pet that's consistent every time she, um, wakes up in the morning if she gets restful sleep. 

So she has that, that ability to summon this kind of pet. And it's, it's, a spiritual kind of pet. 

Brandon Rollins: Whereas the Warden, Yeah, I think it's the Warden the Warden changes the um, the pet each time. The dream catcher, you always know what you're going to have next time, so it allows you to do more planning ahead, I think. 

Jeff Irving: Yes. And well, and the other thing we had to do with that, knowing that she's summoning this spirit almost as a, it's, it's almost someone that she, some, an ancestor or, or a spirit that she's kind of built a relationship with this, you know, it knows that it will serve her in the daytime and, you know, uh, but, but the other thing is because she's summoning this dream sentinel every day, um, we felt like we needed to make, um, him more versatile, more so he has melee attacks. He also has ranged attacks. So, um, you know, where, where the Warden when they summon and when they tame an enemy and it becomes their pet, it changes from day to day. Um, and so there's days when they, they might have an enemy that has a good ranged attack that serves them the next day. 

It could be some sort of, you know, hulkish, melee, brute. Um, we felt like since Cibetta is, is summoning this dream sentinel that we needed to give him a bit more versatility. So he's got the melee attacks and the range attacks. Uh, very, very powerful ally, um. 

Role #10: Jester 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. Good one to have on your side. So you've also got the, um, you've got the Van Halens of Vrahode, which are the Jesters, next. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. Uh, the Jester is another, is kind of another crowd control, kind of a crowd control, uh, hero, uh, role. Um, it is Katani. She is, uh, it's a female Drelrhune, and so they're, they're gonna be these aquatic, um, one of the three, uh, reptilian races we have in Vrahode. Um, this is the one playable, uh, race, the Drelrhune. 

Um, they have a couple cousins. They have the Ju'Airne, which are kind of a desert dwelling, uh, cousin. And then they have the Sahrhune, which are the, um, kind of the, little bit more ocean dwelling, uh, kind of like the the pirate cousins, uh, of the Drelrhune. But anyway, Katani, um, she's gonna draw her magic from the presence deck, primarily through the use of her instruments. 

Her skills are played out and they have a range because it's basically just like a sound, you know, the, if you're close enough to hear it, it's going to affect you. So they have these lovely big areas of effect for their skills to affect the minds of enemies or to enhance and buff their friends in the party. 

Um, they're also, uh, adept in the mind, uh, skill deck too, so they can draw things from the mind deck that gives them, you know, the ability to do some nice direct damage. So I, I kind of look at the Jester similarly as, uh, to the Arbiter, except being more the spirit and mind. You're gonna get that kind of crowd control with the mind. 

I love this class. I think it might be a little challenging to play one solo. I think you could pull it off. I want to try it because I love the Jester, I love the idea, this idea that as long as, long as your play on that instrument persists, so too does the, what it does. So, you know, it's like you have this thing that just this song that just changes the way battle plays out and you can just keep playing as long as you don't get hit, the benefit persists. 

I mean, that's powerful. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That, that could be a really fun one to play. Um, solo. Or in a group, honestly. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. So I mean, she can put her, she can put her instrument away and, and basically just kind of be a caster, you know, just use the mind, the mind deck too. So that's, that's nice. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, that's, This is also one of those, I feel like you could really customize the skills as time goes on and you can kind of just do whatever play style you prefer the most. 

Jeff Irving: Absolutely. Yeah. These, these are, these are just jumping off points, you know, take it wherever you want. 

Role #11: Rook 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. Yeah. So we also have the Rook, so that's the other Drelrhune. 

Jeff Irving: Right. Okay. So, so the Rook to me, I think of the Rook as our, kind of our, our monk, uh, antecedent. Um, he can, there's times when Rooks will just completely, they won't even use weapons. They'll just, um, they'll just use their hands and feet so that they can use those, um, non weapon skills like, uh, flurry of blows or whirling, whirling, um, kick or, you know, they have a lot of, of martial arts skills and because they're actual skills, they're magically enhanced. 

It's not just like a physical attack, it's a magic physical attack. And so where a normal physical attack from a punch or a kick can be mitigated away by gear, when you enhance something with ruhl, it, it, it pushes through that mitigation, the damage gets in.  

And, and it's, it really kind of, I love the way the, the focus deck works for the look, um, in giving him these abilities. 

I, I mean, I, I've always thought of monk, monks as kind of a subtle type of magic. It's like you don't necessarily see the magic, but you feel it, you know, and so the Rook is that, and then the fact that Rooks also get access to the mind deck, uh, starting out you get a, a mind skill I think is really cool. So it's kind of like a, if you're playing D&D, it's a, it's a, it's a monk.  

Brandon Rollins: The Rook kind of reminds me of like a Bruce Lee kind of character in a way, because they are very physical attackers. It's all about up close, but they are also preternaturally good at it just because they have that kind of magic behind them. 

Jeff Irving: Oh yeah. 

Brandon Rollins: Like a class,. They're like a classic kung fu hero. 

Jeff Irving: I like, I like the Rook. I'm excited about playing one. I think I could play, I think I could solo a Rook pretty well. I think, um, play testing will, will bear that out. What's missing is, is their, they don't have access much to the spirit deck early on. They could develop that skill later. Um, I mean, That's not to say they don't have access to the, the deck. 

You can take a, you can take a card, you can learn a skill from any of the five. This Rook here, uh, Rukus is his name. Um, Rukus could, when he gets the ability to learn a new skill, he could literally just pick one from Spirit Deck. Now, his role, his role for success on, on that is, is only a six. So he's only got about a, you know, little bit less than a third of a chance for that skill to work. 

But it doesn't mean he can't try it, doesn't mean he can't do that and then begin to put points into it to improve it. So I love that about our game system. I think it's, it makes for kind of an infinite array of hero types and I, I can't wait for our content contributors to say, "Hey, I've got this new archetype. I wanna make a, you know, a body presence, uh, a hero." 

And I'm like, "Ooh, okay." And, and so people are gonna do some really cool stuff with this, with this game system. And that's, that's half of why we're creating it, is, is to give people this basic kind of toolbox of things that they can use to create content for their own players. 

Role #12: Oracle 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. So I, I actually, in the next one, I want to talk about creating a custom hero as well as a Calteeryn. But for now, for the last thing for this episode, um, tell me a little bit about the Oracle. 

Jeff Irving: Okay. Well, I think, I think if you look at the Arbiter, the Arbiter is more of a, is a priest first, mage second. The Oracle is more of a, a mage first, priest second, So, so I think they're gonna be, uh, definitely a distance, you know, direct damage. Lots of, you know, from a distance with a little bit less healing ability. Um, our, our pregenerated Oracle hero is from the Toreln race. Her name is Harna. And, and so the Oracle giving them this, you know, starting them with powerful mind deck, a little bit of spirit, and then you couple that with a lot of the, the, the fun subtle racial abilities that the Toreln have. I, I, I think she's a great solo player. 

I think she's gonna, I think she's gonna nuke people. Um, I think she can heal herself. I think she can heal others. I mean, I think, I mean, I love, I, I just really love a lot of these kind of primary secondary skill heroes. I mean, you know, we, earlier on we talked about the small group dynamic. She would be a perfect, perfect piece in, in a small group. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. 

Jeff Irving: Be able to handle healing and some direct damage. So. 

Brandon Rollins: The Oracle seems like a nicely balanced character to have on your side. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. 

Brandon Rollins: All right, so, um, let's see, I say let's pick up with the next episode and, uh, why don't you go ahead and take us out? 

Jeff Irving: Thank you for listening to the Vrahode Tavern Podcast if you're enjoying this show, take a moment to subscribe anywhere you get your podcasts. If you're on Apple Podcasts please leave a five star review. It helps more than you know. You can learn more about Vrahode on vrahode.com. That's V R A H O D E .COM. Link in the show notes. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where we are Vrahode Thank you again for listening. We really appreciate it. Keep an eye out for our next episode in two weeks.