Vrahode Tavern Podcast

A Quick Overview of How Combat Works in Vrahode

Weathervane Games Season 1 Episode 11

There's only one thing on our minds today - combat.

A lot of folks have been asking how exactly combat works in Vrahode. In this episode, we talk about the goal of combat in Vrahode and how often you fight. Then we talk at very high level about how battles work.

Check this out, and keep an eye out for the next episode in two weeks where we play out a full battle!

Vrahode will be coming to Kickstarter most likely in quarter four of 2023. When that campaign goes live, you will not only be able to buy the core game, Vrahode: The Calteeryn Ascension, but its three expansions as well.

Learn more about Vrahode on the website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Full transcript with links and images here: https://www.vrahode.com/a-quick-overview-of-how-combat-works-in-vrahode/

Brandon Rollins: So I think in playing around with AI, which I have very mixed feelings about overall, I typed in "write about a dad renting a bouncy house castle for his daughter's birthday party in the style of a Raymond Chandler novel." 

Jeff Irving: Wow. Wow. 

Brandon Rollins: And it goes, the sun was beating down on the city like a hammer on an anvil, sweat dripped from my forehead, and I could feel my shirt sticking to my back. 

Brandon Rollins: It was my little girl's birthday, and I was determined to make it special, even if it meant trekking across town in this heat. 

Jeff Irving: Oh, I love it. 

Jeff Irving: My name is Jeff Irving and this is the Vrahode Tavern Podcast. I am the creator of the Vrahode Game System, and in this podcast, we're going to do a deep dive into the lore and gameplay of Vrahode. I'm joined by Brandon Rollins, who will be acting as your stand in asking many of the questions you might be curious about yourself. 

Jeff Irving: Brandon, what is our topic today? 

Brandon Rollins: Well, there's only one thing on my mind today. I wanna fight. 

Jeff Irving: Okay. Um, let me get my wife, uh, Kristin. (What?) Brandon wants to fight today. (What?) Nothing. You're gonna have to fight with me, Brandon, I'm sorry. 

Brandon Rollins: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 2 v. 1. Uhuh. No. 

Jeff Irving: 2 v. 1. gonna happen. 

Brandon Rollins: Uhuh. No, no, no, no, no, no. 2 v. 1. That's not fair. 

Jeff Irving: Well, it's gonna happen in Vrahode, so you better get prepared. 

Brandon Rollins: Oh boy. Yeah. So that's actually what I wanted to talk about because we've been getting, well, honestly, we've been getting a lot of engagement lately on the Vrahode Tavern Facebook group, which is always awesome to see, especially, especially since there are, like, there are long gaps and when we record, there is a very meaningful difference in the amount of what we're seeing between this and the last episode. 

Brandon Rollins: Um, but because folks are starting to chat now, we're starting to get kind of the questions that people are interested in. And one thing that just keeps coming up is combat. How does combat work in this game? How does combat work in this game series? 

Jeff Irving: Mm-hmm. 

Brandon Rollins: So, I mean, combat's, like, that's a really big, that's a really big subject. 

Brandon Rollins: We'll probably break that off into multiple episodes, but I would like to just start, um, with a few high level questions and then start getting into specific examples from there. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. Sounds good. 

What is the goal of combat as it is designed in the Vrahode Game System? 

Brandon Rollins: So here's what I'm thinking, first question. 

Brandon Rollins: What, what are your goals in designing the combat system the way you're, that you are trying to? Is the intent to make something that's really difficult? Is the intent to make something that lets people kind of adventure along and, and have fun and not worry too much about death or injury? 

Brandon Rollins: What's the ultimate goal with the system? 

Jeff Irving: Well, I'm a big fan of a high challenge level, um, but I am not a big fan of rules, so I, I. What we're trying for here. And it, it's, it goes along with everything else we're trying to do in, in the series and in the game system. The Vrahode Game System is, I, I kind of think of our modes of play and, and, and kind of every aspect of the game to kind of be a pretty shallow rabbit hole of rules, you know, pretty accessible. 

Jeff Irving: Let's try to keep things from getting too complex or cryptic. Let's try to keep them out of their nose, out of books, you know, where they're, you know, every, every couple steps you take in, in some games, they, you've gotta refer to the, the rule book because it's just, it's, it's not intuitive. It's not, you know, obvious on its face, what, what's going on. 

Jeff Irving: And so we're trying to avoid that for sure. But I love a high challenge level. I think, uh, a lot of games, especially lately, um, you've got a lot of options for risk mitigation and you can, it's like if you wanna risk more dice, you know, to do more damage, you can. And then when you, when you try to do anything, it's, it's always this give and take of risk and, and it just, it almost seems like too easy. So I think, you know, keeping it straightforward and obvious how combat is supposed to work, keeping the rules as simple as we can, staying away from complex iconography. And making it be as fast, um, as consequential, um, and as fun as possible at the cost, I would say of some realism, some tactical detail, um, and things like that. 

Brandon Rollins: So what you're going for, it sounds like is, is tough, but straightforward. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. Challenging but not over complex. 

Brandon Rollins: Gotcha. And so I understand that there's games where you do truly talk about all the details. Like so-and-so takes one step back. They draw their sword, you know, from their, well, what actually do you call the thing that holds a sword from...their scabbard. Yeah. They draw their sword from their scabbard and that's like a separate action.  

Brandon Rollins: I know that's out there, and it sounds like based on what you've told me in the past, as well as now that you're okay with just letting the basic administrative details of combat slide to keep people engaged in the actual fighting itself. 

Jeff Irving: I think that's fair.  

Jeff Irving: I mean, I, I think if you're, if you're gonna have multiple attacks, you know, you can't just check a handful of, of. Of dice and, and make that resolve in any meaningful way. You know, if you, let's say you're doing three attacks on somebody, well, however you're gonna do that, whatever, whatever die choices you're using to roll those attacks, um, I think, you know, to keep things clear, you have to have those rules be separated, you know, so that the first attack you did of the three was a hit, second was a miss, third was a, was a miss. 

Jeff Irving: You know, things like that. And so there's a certain amount, I mean, you got a certain amount of dice chucking involved whenever combat's involved. It's just, or you could do like Jamie Jolly did, where you've got the choices between dice and cards. 

Brandon Rollins: Mm-hmm. 

Jeff Irving: Um, and, and that's a, that's a different approach. Um, I, I, like luck. 

Jeff Irving: I, I don't mind a certain amount of luck in combat, because to me, the unpredictability of, of combat is best served by luck, you know? 

Jeff Irving: because  

Brandon Rollins: You know, you know what's interesting? I've got a kind of a left field example of a game that does that, that I like. It's not actually a board game, it's a video game. Um, there was, it was Xcom, just the letter Xcom on Xbox not terribly long ago, by which I mean, probably a decade, honestly. Um, and one of the things I really liked about it is that when you went to attack the aliens, who are the bad guys here, it would always give you a percentage chance of it succeeding or failing. 

Brandon Rollins: And you knew what it was gonna be before you actually committed.  

Brandon Rollins: And to me, to me, I was like, okay, so this tells me what the actual possibilities are here. And I can decide to myself, it's like, is it worth pushing my luck and taking that 45% chance? And because it was positioned that way to me, I felt like I had control, even though there was the element of luck, I was able to make an informed decision and, and, and let the game play out the way it was gonna play out from there, which I always thought was cool. I'm not anti-luck either. I'm anti arbitrary stuff happening, you know? 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, I mean, you don't want, I don't think anyone playing a, an adventure game where they have a character, because obviously when you have a character, you begin to kind of get invested in that character and in their advancement, you know? And so you don't wanna feel like you're getting beaten up on, or someone is, is using math unnecessarily to punish you, you know? 

Jeff Irving: And I, I definitely don't think we're doing that. Um, I feel like, well, I just did a blog post about combat, oh, I don't know, what was it, a week ago or so? 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. Which will be probably about four weeks ago as of the time that this drops, but yeah. And that was actually a really good overview for people who want to see that in the written form, because that explains a lot of details about an, a specific example of battle. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, I had, I just had so much fun. I, I've gotta say, I had so much fun doing that. I was, I was, I wasn't upstairs where I had a lot of room. I was down here with my stuff, spread out all over the desk, and Kristin was down here doing her thing, and I was, every time it would be time for initiative, I would go over to her and make her draw out the initiative tokens, you know, so that I didn't have any, I know I wanted to make sure everything was random with the way the initiative order came up, but it was so fun because when I started the battle, I just knew in my mind that these three heroes against these two enemies, that the heroes were just gonna get wiped. 

Jeff Irving: I mean, I just had this bad feeling about it and it, it, it kind of started to go that way, but then I really decided that, hey, I'm gonna really make decisions for all of these heroes. Like I would if I was playing each one. 

Brandon Rollins: And they managed to pull it out at the 11th hour with some very, very, very, very thin margins. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. And it was, and it just, and I mean you've always, in our game series, I mean, you've always got the ability to run. 

Jeff Irving: And I say always, I'm gonna say that in quotes cuz there are situations where we don't let you run, but for a reason. But, um, but yeah, I mean, it's. Fun. Fast. We, we, we didn't really, I wasn't able in the blog post, cuz I didn't want it to get overly, uh, long the, the writing of it because blog posts, as somebody told me, I think it might have been you, you know, 500 to a thousand words or so is about, you know, the type of chunk that people wanna read. 

Brandon Rollins: For the type of thing that we're doing, I would say. That's right. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. So I didn't want to get too long with it, so we didn't deal with a couple important issues of combat and we can do that today. So that's kind of cool. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. And I actually, I wanted to kind of talk through an example of battle as well, because part. because I think that some people will just understand it better hearing it. It's just the way some folks work, but also, yeah. Yeah. And honestly, I'm, I'm not like that. I'm much more visual to, um, to be honest, it, I, I actually have a tough time following audiobooks, but nevertheless, a lot of people will like the audio format of it. 

Brandon Rollins: But also I just want to ask questions cuz there's a lot of stuff where I think there's actually opportunity to like, kind of explain what some of these things are and, and why they're happening the way they are. That isn't necessarily true in a blog post. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah. 

How often does fighting occur in Vrahode?  

Brandon Rollins: So I, I think another like really big basic question here to me is how often do you fight in Vrahode? 

Jeff Irving: Um, well. It's, it's an adventure game slash dungeon crawl. So we've got a lot of different modes of play. And I would say that, um, probably the, the least often mode that you would run into a fight into combat would be probably in ocean travel. Um, you, you're on a fast ship, um, and the way the mechanics work for whether you run into an enemy or not, um, have a pretty favorable equation math-wise for the frequency of that happening. 

Jeff Irving: Now, the severity of a fight when you do encounter an enemy at sea is usually pretty bleak because what we, what we've done is there's, of course there's scaling mechanisms in all modes of play in, in the Vrahode Game System. The way we scale the battles for ocean travel is you only have to draw a card for the entire ship for every other region you enter. 

Jeff Irving: So you're moving at a clip, you know, pretty good clip, you're sailing along and your trips are fairly short to get from the main island of Renduur, let's say you're going over to Duwora and it's five regions away. Well, you're only gonna draw a couple cards. For that, for that distance, you know, uh, to get the ship from coast to coast. 

Jeff Irving: So the chances of you running into something are pretty, pretty low. But if you do, then that creature is,  

Brandon Rollins: God help you. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, that creature, whatever it is, is in most cases scaled to a full six hero or six player complement of players. And the way we scale that is with the ship's crew. If you're playing the game solo and you're going from Renduur to Duwora or from Renduur over to Prahaar, in order to make that a, a salvageable fight and keep the ship from sinking is we've gotta have that ship's crew fill out that complement of six. 

Jeff Irving: So if you're playing solo, it's you and five crew mates of the Lady Virtue ship that you're on against whatever is in the water. But let's say we're talking about the average in Overland, we've got, you know, six biomes, essentially. We've got mountains and plains and all, you know, six of these different types of terrain types. 

Jeff Irving: The math of, of whether you're gonna run into a fight is different for each one. So if I'm in an icy tundra area or I'm in a desert area, those are harsh climates with much lower population of enemies. And it's also much less rewarding for you because, because there's less enemies and adventurers there. 

Jeff Irving: You're not gonna find, you know, items laying around either. So we, we've, we've used a real kind of logical rationale as to where the concentration of items in the world would be found and where enemies would be found based on the common rationale in the world, which is access to fresh water, access to, to game, and resources that creatures and enemies need, just like we do to survive. 

Jeff Irving: So forests are an increased chance of finding enemies for sure. Along rivers, marshes, coasts, you're gonna run into stuff because there's, there's prey there, there's water there. Um, and so we've just kind of applied that. So I would say in the Overland regions, the most dangerous and the most rewarding to enter are probably forests and along rivers and marshes and coastlines are similar. 

Controlling your combat experience by choosing where to travel 

Brandon Rollins: So that's interesting because you have the ability to choose which biomes you prefer to enter. Well, to a limited extent. I mean, obviously you have to get from point A to point B, but it means that you, you know more or less what you're getting into, you know what places are gonna have all the bad guys. 

Jeff Irving: Well, and, and in many cases, um, not many, I should say some, in some cases, if you're traveling over land, The region that you're getting ready to in enter has both forests and plains, for example, your party can choose, or if you're playing solo, you can choose whether to traverse that region. 

Jeff Irving: You're going to go through the plains or the forest to get through it. And so then you're gonna, when you draw from the Overland exploration deck, you're gonna read the text from the biome that you chose to, to travel through. And so in a way, you get control of your own math. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And then also, you're talking about the Overlands, but there's also the Underlands, which I understand are quite a bit more dangerous than the Overlands or the oceans. 

Jeff Irving: Well, they are, and, and, and I think necessarily so, I think, I think, you know, the Underlands are kind of, they really make you think you have to be strategic to survive them. Um, Overland travel has varying degrees of danger. And of course, again, there's multiple scaling mechanisms going on in the Underlands. 

Jeff Irving: Like, for example, if you, me and Kristin, if we're playing and we go into, um, an Overland region, let's say it's forest, we each have to draw a card and we put it face down next to us. We're not sure what that card's going to represent for us. Um, but that's a scaling mechanism because there's a chance of safe travel on those three cards. 

Jeff Irving: There's a chance for an item. We could, we could find an item in our travels there or there could be an enemy there. And so all of these, all of these decks have different equations and then all of the biomes have adjusted, um, math as well to compensate. But again, Underlands, that, that is, those cards we draw in the Overlands are for that entire region. 

Jeff Irving: Well, when we go into an Underland, uh, encounter map, each of the rooms and halls that we have to get through, not the halls, but the rooms are, well, yeah, know the halls too are, are cards that have to be drawn. And so it's like traveling through all these little mini regions with unique flavor text and dangers, traps, enemies, all concentrated in these little areas. 

Jeff Irving: And, and so it, yeah, it's, it's diabolical. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. But of course the Underlands are a great place to get all the sweet loot too. So if you're in it for the gear grind, you can go there and, and it makes it worth fighting all those bad guys. 

Jeff Irving: Oh yeah. And, and I got, I got a little caught up in, in talking about those cards in the Overlands, and I want to go back to that eventually. But yes, in, in the Underlands, there are things available there that just flat aren't available in the Overlands. There's things, there's extreme rewards and riches that are just not, they're just not laying around on the surface, you know? 

A high-level walkthrough of battle 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah. So I'm thinking really high level. Walk me through how a battle starts and just roughly what things happen during that battle. 

Jeff Irving: Okay. Um, well let's, let's, let's go back to the scenario with, um, you, me and Kristin we're playing, and let's take a real basic look at what happens. We're traveling and each round, when we're in the Overland map, that's the top level view, satellite view of our world, right? We're moving from one land region to another, and let's just, for whatever purposes, let's say we're on Renduur, that's the main land mass. And let's say we're traveling in a, we're in a region and we're traveling from one to another. So we're going to enter, uh, we're gonna exit the, the region we're in, enter the new one. 

Jeff Irving: Okay? Because there's three of us. One of the scaling mechanisms is that each hero is responsible for drawing a card from the Overland Exploration Deck. And we're gonna place it face down next to us. Okay? And because there's three of us, we are also generating more noise and we're putting off odor, right? 

Jeff Irving: Every living thing has a scent, right? We're putting off odor. So what that translates into mechanically in the, in the world of Vrahode is threat. We are increasing the threat of that region on our group. Okay? If I was traveling alone, I would be much quieter. I'd be putting off a lot less scent. I could, I could slip, slip, you know, unbeknownst to, to my enemies. 

Jeff Irving: Much easier. But there's three of us. Um, and so we're going to roll a D6. It's a, it's a custom D6. Okay? We use it all the time. It is, we use it all the time in our game system, it's, uh, the sides are numbered, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3. So there is no zero value. 

Jeff Irving: There is no unmodified value on this die. It's either minus 3, 2, 1 or plus 1, 2, 3. So we're gonna roll that die and because there's three of us, we have a 50% chance of increasing the threat of that region on us. Or, or that we're elevating it by our presence, right? So we roll it and let's say we roll a, um, okay. 

Jeff Irving: Um, let's say we roll a, a -2. Okay? That indicates that we've increased the threat. And so we have to do something with this threat die. Okay? We have to resolve it. One way to do it is, and anybody can roll the die, it doesn't matter who it is. Anybody can place this die, but it's because we rolled a minus number, that's a negative outcome. We've increased the threat. 

Jeff Irving: So let's say you roll it, you roll a -2, it's, it is threat, okay? And I decide to, to place it. I can either place it on one of those face down cards we drew, or I can place it on the table top. If I place it on one of the face down cards, if that card happens to be an enemy, when it's revealed instead of an enemy, it's two enemies. 

Jeff Irving: Or if I, if we choose as a group to place the die on the tabletop, not on one of those cards, then any and all enemies that are revealed as we turn those three cards over will all exhibit what are called behaviors. Uh, behaviors makes an enemy much more challenging. Um, and if you're used to fighting a certain enemy type and it doesn't have a behavior, and then you fight it again with the behavior, the enemy's gonna act completely differently. So those are our choices for going into this battle.  

Jeff Irving: Okay. So let's just say, uh, what do, what do you decide, Brandon? What do you wanna do? Do you wanna put it, do you wanna put the die on one of those cards or on the table? 

Brandon Rollins: I think we should put it on the table. 

Jeff Irving: Okay. There it is. It's on the table. Okay. You reveal your, your card first. Okay? And it is, it's an enemy. And because we're in the plains, it's a Thunderhorn. Okay? A Thunderhorn is a six legged horned beast. That's a bit like a cross between a bull and a buffalo kind of thing. Um, and we know that because we put the threat die over on the tabletop that that Thunderhorn also has a behavior. Okay? So that's it for you. 

Jeff Irving: Okay, Kristin? Uh, okay. Because you revealed an enemy, once an enemy card is revealed, the order in which the cards re, are revealed is not as important. Okay. If you had drawn an item card, for example, okay, that would've meant that you could have put that item in your inventory right then. 

Jeff Irving: Or if it was something you could equip, you could have equipped it then. Okay, let's, and let's, let's play that out just for, for what if, okay, so you've got the item card. Let's say I turn over the next card and it is, uh, safe travel. Okay. So we're basically, what that is, is it's kind of saying, okay, we're going into the region and it's not a small area of land. 

Jeff Irving: It's like a county, right? The first thing we found was what we found your, your item that you located and we wandered on further. And then I drew a card and it was safe travel. So we continue to go into this region deeper and deeper, and it's safe. And there's some flavor text on there that tells us, and then Kristin reveals her card and it's an enemy. 

Jeff Irving: So you can see that that order is kind of, it's almost like a little bit of a travel mechanism as to where the battle occured, but whenever, like we just did, where you drew the enemy first, what that does is it says, okay, all bets are off. This is where the battle occurs. Let's see how big this battle is at hand. 

Jeff Irving: So everybody, as soon as an enemy's flipped, all the cards are revealed. 

Brandon Rollins: Gotcha. Okay. So it's like basically you move, move, move or collect items and do other stuff in the game until an enemy is is revealed, in which case things stop. All the other cards are revealed, and then a battle commences. 

Jeff Irving: Bingo. 

Brandon Rollins: All right, cool. I just wanted to make sure I was following all that because there's quite a bit there, but of course once it's on the table, it'll be quite a bit easier to follow along with. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, and I'll tell you a time when it's really important is, um, we talk about the idea that, you know, you're, you're moving into a region. If, you know, if you think, if you think about it this way, that the first card's an enemy, that's kind of the rules assuming that the battle happened pretty quickly after you, you came into the region.  

Jeff Irving: Um, if you go along and find items and have flavor texts and stuff, it's, it's just, it's kind of you getting closer and close closer to being able to traverse that region without incident, without battle. Um, and then once the battle commences, we've got the enemy putting off smells. We've got noise from combat, so that's why we flip all the cards. 

Jeff Irving: That's why the battle that happens commences as soon as the first enemy appears. Then, then, then all we have, then all we're really doing is we're resolving how bad this battle's gonna be. Right. So let's say we've got the Thunderhorn and we put him in his enemy dashboard. So we have a little teeny dashboard. 

Jeff Irving: It's super simple. It's just a little bitty rectangle that holds the enemy card, and then there's a little bitty slot in front of it that's smaller. And we drop, we, we draw a card from the enemy behaviors deck, and we drop it in front. And let's say that it's, let's say it's a Crusher. Okay, well, what a, what this behavior is, is it says that anytime this Thunderhorn has a successful attack on us, it will cause us, and I'm not saying this is the exact wording on the card I'm saying, but this is the idea. 

Jeff Irving: Let's say it knocks us down, for one, and we have to randomly discard an inventory item because it destroyed it when it hit us. 

Brandon Rollins: Okay. 

Jeff Irving: And so that, that is added, an added danger to this thing hitting us, is that we're gonna start losing items because it's breaking them. 

How threat levels work 

Brandon Rollins: So, so one thing I, I want to make sure I understand before we go on, because that makes sense so far. I understand that that pulls up from the enemy behavior deck when, you know, a threat level is, is, um, above a certain point, but like, so when you have threats of a certain level, like what is the sequence in which things happen to make things more complicated? 

Brandon Rollins: Is it like threat level of this? You get an extra enemy threat level of this, you start adding enemy behaviors. I wanna make sure I understand this. 

Jeff Irving: Yeah, so, so if, if I'm playing the game solo, okay, and I'm playing on normal difficulty. Now keep in mind, the game system is designed to be scalable and it's also got difficulty levels that you get to decide. You know, if you wanna play the game more of as a story and you want it to be more manageable, the combat to be more manageable and not as as deadly, then you can play the story mode and that will eliminate certain things from the game, like behaviors. Okay? But the normal mode of play, that threat die, we talked about if you're playing a solo player, you know by yourself, you roll that threat die. And the only time, the only time it would ever cause threat is if it was a -3. 

Jeff Irving: So one-in-six chance. If there's two of us, it's a -2 or -3. 

Jeff Irving: If there's three of us, it's any minus roll. So a 50%, once you get to four heroes, you have to roll two die. 

Jeff Irving: And so and so for them, they want to avoid a -3 or -2 on two die. If it's five of them, they want to avoid negative rolls completely. And if there's a full complement of six heroes playing the game, a +1 to -3, in other words, a two-thirds chance each of those die will be creating threat. 

Jeff Irving: How you resolve any dice that any dice that's rolled, uh, uh, die, that's rolled, sorry, that is threat. In other words, if you roll it and it, and it says yes, you've, you've increased threat. You can resolve it in two ways. 

Jeff Irving: You can resolve it by placing it on one of the face down cards when you enter a region. Okay? If you place it on one of those face down cards and an enemy is revealed, it doesn't change the order in which the cards are drawn. But when that card is revealed, if it's an enemy, it's doubled in quantity. If you place the cube on the tabletop, then those, those cards that are revealed, any and all of them, any and all of them are going to have behaviors. 

Jeff Irving: Okay? Let's say we reveal two Thunderhorns as enemies. Okay? Let's say it's two of them. They're both going to exhibit the same behavior. But if we reveal a Thunderhorn and a Nevius Adder, each of those will go into their own enemy dashboard, and each of those will get a unique behavior. 

Jeff Irving: One of them might, one of them might be a Crusher, one of them might be a Parasite, where every time it hits you, it gains a life. So it's like healing from the damage it's doing to you. 

Brandon Rollins: That makes sense. 

Jeff Irving: And so it, it, it, the behavior will be the same for all enemies revealed of the same type. 

Brandon Rollins: Got it. 

Jeff Irving: Does that help? 

Brandon Rollins: It does help. And so at this point we actually, because we're running close on time, I think we should actually take a break here. And then in the next episode, which of course for the listeners will drop in two weeks from the release of this one. I think we just talk through an entire battle as an example. 

Brandon Rollins: What do you think? 

Jeff Irving: Wow. We can try it. 

Brandon Rollins: Yeah, yeah. I think it's worth a shot. 

Brandon Rollins: So at this point, I, why don't you go ahead and take us out? 

Jeff Irving: Thank you for listening to the Vrahode Tavern podcast. If you enjoyed this show, take a moment to subscribe anywhere you get your podcasts. If you're on Apple Podcasts, please leave a five star review. It helps more than you know. 

Jeff Irving: You can learn more about Vrahode on vrahode.com. That's V R A H O D E .COM. Link in the show notes. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where we are @Vrahode. Thank you again for listening. We really appreciate it. Keep an eye out for our next episode in two weeks.